1. Defending the ball -
Face to face defense only, man to man only. Players may
switch opponent only during a pick. Teams or players who
appear to be playing a zone defense will be called for
the infraction and the referee will award the ball to
the opposition. Defending team may not check from behind
(this includes wrap checks and over the top checks).
Checks to the stick only from behind will allowed if the
player with the ball carelessly leaves the stick (head
or butt end) exposed past the body. Contact to the hands
and arms are considered illegal checks
and will be called. Incidental contact may be allowed,
again at the discretion of the referee.
2. Loose balls - In order to control possible injury
during a battle for loose balls the first player to make
contact with the ball along the boards will be awarded
the ball. Opponents may attempt to cover the player and
may attempt to scoop the ball only if the ball comes off
the boards and clean contact with the ball is not made.
Again this may be at the discretion of the referee.
3. Goalies - Contact with the goalies within the crease
will be cause for a one minute penalty on the player
causing the contact. The team will not play short
handed. Additionally the goalie has the right to collect
the ball
behind the goal unimpeded. Player causing contact will
be called for the same penalty. Each time the opposing
team will take possession of the ball.
4. All penalties - will last one minute in length and
the player called for the infraction must remain in the
sin bin the entire minute, including goals scored and
time during stoppage of play, i.e. injury, halftime etc.
5. All rules will be discussed at the Captains meeting
prior to the event. Any and all changes will be agreed
upon by the Captains. Additional rule changes will be
discussed with the teams prior to game #1
The Fann Cup Tournament loosely follows the rules of
play set out by the National Lacrosse League. The rules
have been modified to suit non-contact recreational
level lacrosse between amateur players. In the
forthcoming sections, differences between Fann Cup
rules, and the NLL rules are highlighted where
(Playing surface, Goals,
Goal Creases, Nets, Divisions of the floor, face-off
spots, team benches, timer/scorer area, etc)
1. The host team will endeavour to provide an
arena for play which resembles an NLL floor as closely
as possible.
2. The host team will ensure that two 9 foot
diameter goal creases are marked on the floor with paint
or tape around the goals
3. The host team will ensure that two 24 foot
radius “dangerous shot” arcs are marked on the floor
with paint or tape. The focus points of the two arcs
will be the midpoint of the goal line. The endpoints
shall be the point where the arc intersects the goal
(Composition of teams,
captains, players in uniform, coaches, change of
players, injured players etc)
1. If a participating player becomes injured
during a game, play shall stop immediately and shall not
be resumed until that player can be safely removed from
the floor
(The ball, lacrosse stick
dimensions, stick construction, protective equipment,
1. The host team will provide suitable (CLA/NCAA)
lacrosse balls for tournament play.
2. Mandatory protective equipment for all players
includes – lacrosse or hockey helmet with full
faceshield, and lacrosse or hockey gloves. Other
equipment is considered optional.
3. If any player is found to be using equipment
which is deemed by the referee to be dangerous, a
penalty for delay of game will be assessed to that
player, and the equipment will be taken to the
scorekeeper’s area for return following the game.
4. Requests for inspection or measurement of
sticks or goal equipment will not be entertained. Any
captain/coach/player who requests such a measurement
shall be taunted until my throat is sore.
(appointment of officials,
referees, timekeepers, scorers, 30-second clock
1. The host club will obtain referees and
off-floor officials for the tournament. Two referees
will be assigned responsibility for the on-floor
officiating of each game. One or more off-floor
officials will be assigned responsibility for
timekeeping, scoring, and operating the shot clock
(length of game, intervals
between periods, face-offs following goals, overtime,
30-second rule, 10 second rule, backcourt violation,
timeouts, etc)
1. Each game will be 30 minutes in length,
divided into two fifteen minute periods
2. There will be a two minute interval between
the first and second periods of each game
3. There will be no overtime periods for
“round-robin” games. Where the score is tied at the end
of regulation play, each team will be awarded a tie.
4. For playoff games, if the score is tied at the
end of regulation play, a five minute sudden-death
overtime period will be played, following a two minute
5. If the score is still tied following the
overtime period, that game will be decided through
penalty shots (five shooters per team). If the score is
still tied following the first five shooters, the
process will be repeated indefinitely with five
different shooters from each team. No shooter may take
an additional shot until all of his/her teammates have
6. The 10 second count rule will not be in effect
7. The backcourt violation rule will not be in
8. Each team will be allowed one 30 second
time-out per period (including overtime periods if
9. Officials’ timeouts may be called at any time
at the discretion of the on-floor officials to allow
injuries, goaltender equipment problems, etc. to be
attended to.
(Facing Off, play of the
ball, out of bounds, ball caught in stick or equipment,
goal scored, goal not allowed, goalkeeper privileges,
crease violations, substitutions, change of goals,
possession/slow whistles, penalty shots, dangerous
shots, etc)
1. When a player in possession of the ball is
outside of the “dangerous shot arc” (i.e. further than
24 feet from the goal), that player must not shoot on
net unless there are no defenders standing between that
player and the goaltender. If the attacker shoots from
outside the arc without a perfectly clear shooting lane,
possession will be awarded to the defending team
2. When a player with possession of the ball is
within the dangerous shot arc, that player may shoot
over, around, or through-the-legs of a defender.
3. Further to 1 and 2, if a defender is struck by
a shot, the shooter will be assessed a penalty for
dangerous shot
4. The shooter is responsible for the position of
his/her stick at all times. If the shooter strikes a
defender with their stick while following-through on a
shot, the shooter will be assessed a minor, or major
penalty for slashing.
1. The Fann Cup is a non-contact
2. The Fann Cup is a non-contact
3. The only permissible contact is
i. stick to stick
ii. incidental
contact arising from stationary offensive picks, blocks,
All other contact will be
penalized appropriately, either by a possession award,
minor penalty, or major penalty
4. A minor penalty will be assessed to a
player who commits any of the following infractions:
i. Unsportsmanlike
ii. accidental,
non-malicious, and non-reckless body checking which does
not result in injury.
iii. accidental,
non-malicious and non-reckless stick to body contact,
including slashing, cross checking, hooking, etc. which
does not result in injury)
iv. Delay of game
v. too many
players on the floor
vi. too few men on
the floor at face-off
vii. accidental,
non-malicious, and non-reckless roughing which does not
result in a fight or cause injury
viii. holding
ix. interference
x. stick-checking
goalie in the crease
xi. throwing the
xii. accidental,
non-malicious and non-reckless tripping which does not
result in an injury
xiii. dangerous
xiv. playing with
unsafe equipment1
If a player is assessed with a
minor penalty, that player shall be sent to the penalty
box for two minutes, as measured on the game clock. Each
team will continue 5-on-5 play for the duration of the
minorpenalty. The penalized player will not be released
even if a goal is scored by the non-offending team.
5. A major penalty shall be assessed to any
player who commits any of the following infractions:
i. Gross
unsportsmanlike conduct
ii. Any deliberate
attempt to injure
iii. Throwing
stick at a player, a referee, or out of bounds
iv. intentional or
malicious body contact, which can include:
a. boarding
b. checking from
c. charging
d. clipping
e. elbowing
f. headbutting
g. kicking
h. kneeing
i. tripping
j. roughing
v. intentional or
malicious stick-to-body contact, which can include:
a. slashing
b. cross checking
c. hooking
d. spearing
e. butt-ending
f. high-sticking
g. tripping.
If a player is assessed with a
major penalty, that player shall be suspended for all
remaining games in that year’s tournament. In the event
of a major penalty, the non-offending team will be
awarded two penalty shots, and the offending team will
assign one of their other players to sit in the penalty
box for five minutes as measured on the game clock. Each
team will continue 5-on-5 play for the duration of the
major penalty. The player in the penalty box will not be
released even if a goal is scored by the
If a second player on any team is assessed with a major
penalty, that team shall forfeit all of theirremaining
6. There is NO FIGHTING in the Fann Cup
7. There is NO FIGHTING in the Fann Cup
8. If a player(s) is involved in a fight
that/those players will be barred from participation in
all future Fann Cup tournaments. The offending team(s)
will (each) assign one of their other players to sit in
the penalty box for five minutes as measured on the game
clock. Each team will continue 5-on-5 play for the
duration of the five minute penalty. The player(s) in
the penalty box will not be released even if a goal is
scored by the non-offending team. If in an altercation
only one player is penalized for fighting, the
nonoffending team will be awarded two penalty shots.
For a downloadable and printable version of the above
A complete listing of National Lacrosse League rules
can also be found by